It all started in 1884, when 18 young equestrians formed the New York Hussars, first as a political club and then an exclusive troop cavalry, known for its expert riding and elegantly ornate uniforms. The stylish Hussars quickly became a very popular addition to New York City parades and National Horse Show events.
On April 2, 1889, the group, then some fifty-three strong, was mustered as Squadron A into the National Guard as NGSNY, the first cavalry arm of the Guard of the State of New York. The Squadron was often called out to escort presidents, governors and foreign dignitaries. Squadron A troopers were sent to Puerto Rico to serve in the Spanish-American war and the entire squadron was called into federal service in 1916 to patrol the Mexican border.
Later they served with distinction in World War I and, during World War II, its members became part of the crack 101st Cavalry Group that fought gallantly in Germany and Austria earning Congressional Medals of Honor, French Legion of Honor and Order of British Empire Awards, Distinguished Flying Crosses and a Presidential Unit Citation.
The heritage and spirit of Squadron A is embodied in its motto, “boutez en avant”, and carried on by the Squadron A Association with a clubhouse just off Fifth Avenue in New York City. As a volunteer, social and philanthropic organization it provides a venue for men and women to continue, preserve and forward the traditions, memory and contributions of the Squadron and the horse cavalry.
If you would like to read about the Squadron A’s legacy—swashbuckling cavalry men in sky blue hussar jackets with braided black trim, matching striped breeches and elegantly plumed, busby headgear—please click on the “Library” tag to explore our history and get lost in the Troopers compelling stories.